Food Puns and Pickup Lines We can’t Get Over

food puns and food pickup lines| Feature image

Do you prefer your puns intended? Or are you fond of the sweet pick up lines when it comes to food? If you are a fan of wordplay then we’ve got you covered with this because you are our all Thyme favourite! You can impress your loved ones with these pizza minded and barbe-cute puns and pickup lines. What better than food and humour- it’s like a packaged deal. Isn’t it? If yes, then Batter up to see the list of food puns and pickup lines we can’t get over. Are you’ll Bready for this? Let’s cut to the Cheese then!

1. Always remember, you are someone’s raisin to smile.

food puns and pickup lines we can’t get over| Raisin

You are always better when you smile so don’t forget to have a wide smile on your face.

2. You must be a banana. Cause I find you a-peeling!

food puns and pickup lines we can’t get over| A-peeling

Oh la la! You can definitely impress your loved ones with this pickup line.

3. This may be cheesy, but you are grate!

food puns and pickup lines we can’t get over| Cheesy

Aren’t we all fond of cheese and we also love cheesy (food) pickup lines? Say cheese!

4. Are you a doughnut? Because I find you a-dough-rable.

food puns and pickup lines we can’t get over| Donut
Source: Pinterest

Are you already tempted to eat a doughnut now?

5. You make my heart skip a beet!

food puns and pickup lines we can’t get over| Beet

Can skipping be considered as cardio here? Then I can do it every day. Sending this bunch of love to someone.

6. You’re macaroni to my cheese!

Different food pickup lines| Macaroni

Tell us, who is macaroni to your cheese or peanut butter to your jelly and icing to your cupcake?

7. You are my butter-half!

our favourite food pickup lines| Butter-half

Grilling giggles! Is it too cheesy? Nah, we believe that there’s no such thing. Well, hello butter-half!

8. I don’t believe you. You’re impasta!

various food puns| Impasta

Reminding you that you are no less than a hot sauce pasta. You are simply, great!

9. Feeling a little melon-choly.

our desired food puns| Melon-choly

Have a mocktail drink or a watermelon to stay away from melon-choly.

10. Water you doing?

few pickup lines and food puns| Water

Just a friendly reminder to remind you to drink loads of water and stay hydrated.

11. Don’t add honey to your tea. You are already sweet enough!

we cant get over these fod pickup lines| tea
Source: Pinterest

How sweet, yea?

12. Why is it so easy to make puns about onions? Because they’re so pun-gent!

most liked food puns| Oun-gent

Make sure you cut your onions while making some more puns, in order to get distracted by its pungent-ness.

13. We should get coffee sometime because I like you a latte!

Beautiful food pickup lines| Latte coffe
Source: Pinterest

Let’s have a cup of coffee and build a coffee connection.  Hot or cold, however, you like!

14. If you were a fruit, you would be a fine-apple!

Several food puns| Pineapple
Source: Pinterest

Come on, let’s meet and eat a pineapple ice-cream!

15. Nuts about you!

Food pickup lines| Nuts
Source: Pinterest

Cause you’re tea-rific. What’d I do without you? A little cheesy yes, but I feel great!We are berry excited to know your top favourite from this list of food puns and pickup lines we can’t get over. Lettuce make some different puns if you’ve got more ideas!

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