Hinal Chauhan

8 Identical Looking Dishes That Are Poles Apart In Taste

Just like homonyms in the English dictionary, which are words that sound similar but have completely different meaning, food lovers…

8 years ago

9 Oreo Facts That You Might Have Not Known

The creamy chocolate sandwich biscuits - OREO has made an amazing wonderfilling in hearts of people. The creamy flavour and dark crunch has…

8 years ago

5 Reasons why street food is still in fashion

With the passing time, high-end restaurants have made a place in the society. Still street food hasn't lost its popularity.…

8 years ago

29 States 29 Dishes

India has a diverse choice and atmosphere. Every state has its own weather condition and on that basis, their dishes…

8 years ago

29 Desserts from 29 States in India

India has a varied culture. As are the number of states so are the number of cultures and so are…

8 years ago

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