6 Best Veg Food For Vitamin B12: Your Cure For B12 Worries !

Vitamin B is an essential vitamin. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin plays an important role in the proper functioning of the nervous system and also the formation of red blood cells. Moreover, It is involved in DNA synthesis and helps to maintain a healthy immune system and also involved in neurological activity to elevate mood.

Our bodies can’t produce Vitamin B12 on their own. So they either have to be obtained through dietary sources or supplements. Here are 6 delicious veg food that provide vitamin B12.

6 nutritious veg food for Vitamin B12 

1. Yogurt

Mouth Watering Yogurt served in a bowl mixed with various fruits like strawberries, grapes and a lot more. There are other bowls bleeding out of the image that contain the items served on top of Yogurt.
Source : NYT Cooking – The New York Times

Yogurt, a heavenly delight for foodies, apart from being a tasty treat, it also contains Vitamin B12 in a good amount. Moreover, Vitamin B12 in plain yogurt can absorb easily.

2. Milk 

Image of two milk bottles in center. There's a piece of cloth on their right side while on their left is a trail of almonds that leads to the almond jar in the back.
Source : Downshiftology

Milk, whether cold or hot, is always energizing. It can absorb fast and more easily in the stomach than other sources. Milk and its products give a good amount of Vitamin B12.

3. Cheese

Shredded Mozzarella Cheese on a cloth on a wooden bench.
Source : Burnett Dairy

“CHHEEEEESSSEEEE” …The favourite word of new gen of food bloggers. From being a talented model to being the tastiest of treats, cheese does it all. Moreover, cheese is a good container of vitamin B12 making it one of the tastiest option among for Vitamin B12. 

4. Fortified non-dairy milk 

An image of 5 glasses of different types of milks surrounded by the key-elements they are made of such as almonds.
Source : Boston Magazine

Fortified non-dairy milk can be great for veg food for vitamin B12. Almond milk and soy milk are some good example. They can be a shrewd addition to your food to make them well-balanced. 

5. Fortified cereals 

An image displaying fortified cereals from the top angle in one bowl and jar. There's also a spoon, a cloth and a liquid jar on the wooden bench.
Source : Netdoctor

Cereals make for a delectable way to start your day. Fortified cereals such as bran and whole wheat oats are high in vitamin B12 as well as folate, iron, and vitamin A. 

6. Beetroot 

An image of raw beetroot laying on the side of a glass of Beetroot juice on wooden textured background.
Source : Prevention

When there’s talk of healthy veg food, one can hardly miss beet. Beetroots are enriched with iron and are also a storehouse of Vitamin B12. This tasty fruit is always a great option for healthy veg food for Vitamin B12.

These are some of the best veg food for vitamin B12. Think we missed any? Do let us know. Tell us your favourite food for B12. 

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